Friday, October 21, 2011


This is a difficult post to write.  I don't enjoy expressing my weak points.

As you might already know, i have been living outside egypt for almost a year now.  I've visited egypt twice  since then - quick 3-day trips - just because i was feeling homesick.

Don't get me wrong, i'm very happy with the direction my career is taking.  I was totally against leaving Egypt and working abroad, but the opportunity that came up was just too good i guess.  Working in a multinational company as an architecture specialist is a dream job for many people my age, me included.  Lots of travelling is involved, the work itself is very diverse and it isn't boring at all, i get to meet many VIP's and coordinate with them in lots of projects, and ofcourse I can't complain about the money.  El7amdolellah.

It's the times when I'm not working that I hate the most.  Facebook and youtube can be good companions for an hour or so, but what next?  I'm not much of a TV guy and besides, all the shows these days are talking about politics and stuff... i hate that.  I managed to make some friends from work and we play soccer every wednesday.  The fact that they're all married makes it very difficult to socialize with them more frequently.

I miss sitting with my friends at the Ahwa at 2:00am playing cards or just chatting about random stuff with shisha in my hand and enjoying cairo's beautiful weather.

I miss being able to go to sa7el on the weekend to take a swim in our amazing beaches and come back refreshed to start a new exhausting work week.

I miss taking my sister to eat sushi in dandy mall like we used to do at least once a month.

I miss hanging out with Mahmoud & Ahmed, reminiscing about the stupid stuff we used to do when we were kids.

I miss taking my dogs out for a walk late at night.

I miss my chess-enthusiast friends who i would always find available to play some quality chess with.

I miss my old work friends who were more than family for 3 whole years.

I miss the joy of watching both of my nieces growing up and learning something new every day (they're 2 years old now).

I miss taking random walks on Imbaba bridge every once in a while and enjoying the best view of the nile available in cairo.

I miss going to alexandria in the winter.

I miss being next to my parents, knowing they're in good health.

The list goes on and on...

Loneliness is brutal.


I can't promise that i'll stay here for long but it feels good to be back.  My new sweet friend Zaina has inspired me to get back to blogging, so you should all blame her for this crime i'm about to commit :)

It's been more than two years since i've last posted and there's lots of stuff going on these days. I think it's only healthy to vent and ramble even though few people are actually paying attention.

I can imagine that the next few posts will probably have a serious and somewhat depressing edge (or as some fellow egyptians might say: "tutch").  That's normal i guess, posting happy thoughts isn't really my kind of thing.  I tend to enjoy the happy moments and live them without expressing my feelings, whereas the sad moments: well, misery loves company.

You can't say i didn't warn you :)